How to manage virtual machines on your Windows Server 2012 Core with Hyper-V role.

If you install Windows Server 2012 Core, when you log on to server you will have only command prompt. Difference after you log on between Hyper-V 2012 and Windows Server 2012 Core with Hyper-V role is sconfig (so called blue) window. You can always start sconfig window by typing sconfig to your command prompt.

Hyper-V role by default does not install Hyper-V management console. If you try to run it you will receive error “c:\Windows\System32\virtmgmt.msc” does not exist. To install it you must use PowerShell

PowerShell give us possibility to install different Windows Features. To install Hyper-V management console you will use syntax: Add-WindowsFeature –name RSAT-Hyper-V-Tools

If you want to install other RSAT tools you can type Get-WindowsFeature to see names of available features and then type Add-WindowsFeature –name Name_Of_The_feature