Problem with intranet web and TMG 2010

I had very tight schedule last month, month and half

At first I had to prepare two presentations for two conferences. And second I had to configure my TMG that users have access to intranet web page.

From first it looks like simple configuration but later I couldn’t open intranet web page.

My configuration was simple. Intranet is on LAN not in DMZ, and TMG for some reason were blocked web access to every web page in LAN.

I tried to avoid configuring proxy settings using GPO. I want to use Firewall Client but firewall client deletes all exception distributed by GPO

Situation was pretty annoying.

Then I discovered WPAD (WebProxyAutomaticDetection).

I configured WPAD in next steps

1. In DHCP I was right clicked IPV4 then choose Set Predefined Options


2. Clicked Add

3. IN name box I typed WPAD

4. For Data Type choose String

5. In Code type 252

6. Then click OK


7. Right click again on IPV4 and choose again Set Predefined Option

8. Choose option 252 WPAD

9. In String put http://FQDNservername:8080/wpad.dat

10. Click OK


After this I just add option 252 to be distributed by DHCP and wait.

Second thing was few configurations on TMG 2010


My users now have access to intranet web page but this wasn’t desired configuration for me

My first idea was that only use firewall client but I had problems with intranet web access. Currently this automated solution works fine but I will see how to use only firewall client.