What to do if your Hyper-v admin shares wont work

At friday had strange situation. I was installing my new Hyper-V server, and I had problems with migration. I was exported machine with Hyper-V manager but i couldn’t copy it to new Hyper-V server.

Why? I couldn’t reach admin shares (C$, D$) to copy virtual machine for import. I set up everything, checked firewall twice but problem was still here.

Then I think about solution to enable file and printer sharing.

And how to do that at Hyper-V? Because Hyper-V is Core OS any you don’t have all nice mmc plug-in for firewall setup.

You must do that using Command Prompt.

Syntax for this is:

“netsh firewall set service fileandprint”

After this all shares is accessible and i was completed my migration (import) to new Hyper-V machine.

Can’t upgrade Windows 2008 R2 Dc to Windows 8 Server DC

If You want to upgrade Your Domain Controller from Windows server 2008 R2 to Windows 8 server on a single machine this is not possible

I was trying to upgrade my Domain Controller for test from Windows server 2008 R2 to Windows 8 server using full installation but I receive error

Win 8 Error

This is not compatibility issue, this is not supported.

In next few days I will try to add Windows 8 server as additional domain controller, and then move FSMO roles to Windows 8 DC.

I will describe all of this on my blog

Currently I’m pretty confused with this. Why Microsoft is not supported old fashion way of upgrade? Because of DP version or something else is not compatible?

How to delete EISA recovery partition from Windows


I had problem with deleting EISA partition on several old disks from IBM/LENOVO computers. Usually solutions was to contact manufacturer for some tools but I found this solution on www.mydigitallife.info

Solution is for Windows Vista but it also works on Windows XP.

Here is quotation of solution:

Here’s the trick to delete and remove the EISA recovery or diagnostic partition in Vista. Before proceeding with the deletion action, make sure that at least a set of Recovery Disc Media has been created. Else, you won’t be able to restore your computer to working and factory default condition when any problem on PC requires reinstallation.

  1. Open a command prompt as administrator.  (On Windows XP just open Command Prompt)
  2. Run Diskpart application by typing Diskpart in the command prompt.
  3. In the “Diskpart” prompt, enter rescan command and press Enter key to re-scan all partitions, volumes and drives available.
  4. Then type in list disk and press Enter key to show all hard disk drive available.
  5. Select the disk that contains the partition you want to remove. Normally, with just 1 hard disk, it will be disk 0. So the command will be:

    select disk 0

    Finish by Enter key.

  6. Type list partition and press Enter key to show all available and created partition in the disk selected.
  7. Select the partition that wanted to be deleted by using the following command, followed by Enter key:

    select partition x

    where x is the number of the EISA based recovery partition to be removed and unlocked its space. Be careful with the number of this partition, as wrong number may get data wipes off.

  8. Finally, type in delete partition override and press Enter key.

Once the partition has been deleted, exit from Diskpart, and now users can use the much familiar and much easier Disk Management tool in Windows (diskmgmt.msc) to manipulate the freed unallocated partition. Users can create a new volume (partition) with this space, or simply merge it to existing partition by extending the size of the existing partition.


And here is picture of diskpart

Diskpart Window