Windows Intune – part 3. – Adding users. (survival guide)

Windows Intune supports integration with Active Directory, Office 365 and Windows Azure AD. Office 365 and Windows Intune use same user database (if you have same Today I will describe how to add users in Windows Intune.

Adding users without any connection is simple. When you log on to go to Manage – Users and then click New. UserManage

Here you can choose between adding one by one (or only one user) or add multiple users at once (Bulk add.)

If you choose to add one user you will be redirected to this screen.

Adding User1

Required data is only user name and display name. You can also choose domain if you added your domain to Windows Intune before. If you want to add additional details you must expand screen (on triangle), and then you will have same options as screen above.

After you fill desired and required data click next. Then you will be redirected to next screen. Here you can assign role and you must add location (country for this user)

Adding User2

Choose Windows Intune group and press next. Type user mail address to send it username and password for Windows Intune access.

Adding User3

Click create to finish user creation.

For bulk add go to Manage – Users – New, and choose Bulk add. Next screen will be opened.


Download both file, blank and sample .csv. Create your .csv file from blank based on sample and then upload file. When you press next verification will check if everything is OK. If you receive error you will be able to see where error occurred and why


If everything is OK you will have screen like this


Set Sign-In status and location


Set group to Windows Intune. On next screen set email address. All usernames and passwords will be sent to this email address. Press create.

Now you have users added in Windows Intune . About Active Directory synchronization and Windows Azure AD I will write later.